Its all about the Mix!
to Rustic
Atlanta - New York - Adirondacks 404-784-7463 info@shonparker.com

Shon Parker is featured in
House Beautiful
see how he transformed a
100 year old English Cottage

Interview with Shon~
When did you learn you had a nack for design?
Shon: I started designing dream houses on paper when I was 10 years old with crayons and pencil. Of course nothing was in scale, but I was a dreamer!
What is your favorite type of design?
Shon: Over the years, I have been influenced by classical, modern and rustic interiors in that order.
How old were you during those inspirational design periods of your life?
Shon: Classical was something I loved in my early 20's, Modern soon followed in my mid 20's where I wanted everything as simple as it could be- it was all about Form and the bold feel. Rustic came about from my Grandmother's Farmhouse in my childhood years and then very Rustic in my early 30's visiting the Adirondacks. It has a familiarity to me.
Do you incorporate those elements in your designs today?
Shon: Absolutely, I think it has been the basis of all my designs and allows me to mix them together to create fresh new interiors.
Do you consider Architecture in your design?
Shon: Yes, I was going to be an Architect before I decided Interior Design was my calling, but I end up doing both for clients. I always develop the envelope of the room and is a big part and facet of how all the Interiors come together.
What are you fascinated with right now?
Shon: I have a love for American Farmhouses and things made in the USA.